Meet The Team
We pride ourselves as a unique group of professionals with far-reaching networks internationally and in Africa. Our international family of hardworking business specialists have an in-depth knowledge of marine vessel applications. Our associated offices in the U.K, U.S.A. Norway, Singapore, Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand.

Steve Cilliers
In 2013, I registered Twende Africa Group (P.T.Y.) L.T.D. or T.A.G. has since delivered more than sixty projects globally.

Neels Loggenberg
Neels brings strong management skills together with financial business acumen.

John Adams
As an engineer, my objectives are to promote high work and safety standards, set an example for those interested in marine engineering, and maintain a good seamanship culture.

Captain Sheddon Filday
Sheddon Filday is a qualified Maritime Master with excellent vessel handling, power, sail, towing and with an unblemished record. Sheddon is precise and responsible for pre-survey inspections, crewing and vessel deliveries.

Michael Debesai
With a solid technical and commercial background and extensive management experience at the senior level in engineering project management and shore management of vessels.